Manhattan real estate is recovering. Signed contracts and transaction volume are up. Especially encouraging is activity on the high end which saw 21 contracts signed over $4M in the last week of September—the highest since lockdown and the strongest final week of Q3 since 2014 when 33 contracts were signed (per the Olshan Report). With the return of New Yorkers to the city for school and the reopening of restaurants, there’s more traffic and more energy, and we’re seeing more sales in the $2.5-$5M category. We have a way to go as live entertainment remains silent, and so many stores are still shuttered. Hopefully by the end of Q4, we’ll be in a totally different place. A divisive presidential battle will have run its course, and we should have a Covid-19 vaccine, testing and treatment in place. 2021 may just be our comeback year. Let’s leverage hope. Get ready.