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December 2023

December 2023

New York City’s residential real estate market in 2023 was mostly about recalibration and resilience. Despite the year’s challenges posed by banking industry shakeups, spiking mortgage rates and uncertain global political and economic landscapes, the city's real estate sector remained stable. Near the start of the year in February, appraiser Jonathan Miller forecast that this year would be one of disappointment and predicted, “Sellers are not going to get the price[s] they wanted … and buyers aren't going to get meaningful discounts.” Following are a few noteworthy market dynamics.

December 2022

December 2022

Goodbye 2022. We are ready for 2023! We’ve lived through considerable challenges these last three years with inflation in the forefront running at a 40-year high, and Covid hangovers splicing into a variety of flu and mystery viruses.