Sometimes you need a velvet rope to foster demand and create buzz and exclusivity. Remember the red velvet barrier in front of Studio 54 in the late 70’s? How cool was it when the big burly bouncer out front nodded that you could enter and join the other disco party-goers? When applied to real estate sales, velvet rope marketing is about creating demand by limiting availability to achieve a premium price.
And just like that the 2nd half of 2019 begins with summer in full swing. Local zucchini is in abundance and corn and tomato season lie ahead. Throw some shrimp on the barbie and celebrate the 4th with gratitude. As of July 1, NY State’s new progressive mansion tax goes into effect. A one-time payment at closing, the levy begins at 1% for transactions from $1M-$2M and rises incrementally in eight tiers, capping at 3.9% for sales of $25M or more. It could have been worse.