Viewing entries tagged
buyer's market

July 2021

July 2021

Stats from the second quarter reaffirm Manhattan real estate’s amazing rebound. Following on the heels of a stellar Q1, surging pent-up demand and low interest rates continued to work in tandem to drive up the number of contracts signed. At this point, we have regained values that were lost to Covid discounts and, by and large, we are back to pre-pandemic pricing. It’s activity however, not pricing, that’s way up.

February 2021

February 2021

Yesterday’s NY Times front page story “Possible Boom Post-Pandemic” recognizes an economic sea change. We are turning the pandemic corner, and for that we are grateful. Economists are predicting a supercharged rebound for the U.S. Days ago, in a February 18th report issued in Washington D.C., Fannie Mae Sr. VP and Chief Economist Doug Duncan predicted a 6.7% GDP increase this year, simultaneously cautioning that the same reasons for expansion might also push up inflation. “Growth,” he noted, “will accelerate sharply beginning in the second quarter.” The news bodes well for residential real estate in New York.

September 2019

September 2019

Today is National Skyscraper Day, so look up to marvel at the more than 7,000 architectural feats of engineering in our city—structures with 40 floors or more. This month, Labor Day came early, and the Jewish High Holy Days will be late with Rosh Hashanah on the eve of September 29th. Coinciding with the Hebrew month of Elul, it’s an important season for self-reflection. Lord knows we have much to consider and improve upon and build in our lives and in our nation. Autumn, my favorite time of year, begins on the 23rd.

August 2019

August 2019

Those hazy hot and humid days of August are upon us in this third month of summer, the perfect time of year to hang your GONE FISHING sign and when most Europeans take their annual vacations. Celebrate Sisters’ Day on the month’s first Sunday, Lazy Day on the 10th, Middle Childs’ Day on the 12th, and Just Because Day on the 26th.