Viewing entries tagged
global pandemic

December 2021

December 2021

Who would have thought that two years after Covid-19 emerged, the global pandemic would still be front and center in our lives? Along with virus mutations, uncertainty has returned as our status quo. Holiday parties have been scratched to minimize exposures; block-long lines surround test centers; a reopened Broadway is balancing frequent cancellations as actors or crew test positive; travelers fly double-masked.

July 2021

July 2021

Stats from the second quarter reaffirm Manhattan real estate’s amazing rebound. Following on the heels of a stellar Q1, surging pent-up demand and low interest rates continued to work in tandem to drive up the number of contracts signed. At this point, we have regained values that were lost to Covid discounts and, by and large, we are back to pre-pandemic pricing. It’s activity however, not pricing, that’s way up.