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new york city

Anticipating Lower Mortgage Interest Rates

Anticipating Lower Mortgage Interest Rates

Two key market dynamics are at play in the current marketplace: the anticipation of lower interest rates and a wave of summer price drops. The former is expected to stabilize the latter, and there are implications for both buyers and sellers.

December 2023

December 2023

New York City’s residential real estate market in 2023 was mostly about recalibration and resilience. Despite the year’s challenges posed by banking industry shakeups, spiking mortgage rates and uncertain global political and economic landscapes, the city's real estate sector remained stable. Near the start of the year in February, appraiser Jonathan Miller forecast that this year would be one of disappointment and predicted, “Sellers are not going to get the price[s] they wanted … and buyers aren't going to get meaningful discounts.” Following are a few noteworthy market dynamics.

October 2021

October 2021

● As expected, after Labor Day and the Jewish holidays, a wave of new inventory appeared to the significant tune of 2,088 total new offerings across all product categories and price segments. Surprisingly however, supply dipped in the weeks following, and resale stock has become short again, frustrating buyers who were looking for more options and prompting multiple offers. New listings were down nearly 30% YOY in Q3, forcing buyers to act quickly and helping to drive sales.

September 2021

September 2021

With Labor Day and Rosh Hashanah coinciding on this year's calendar, it’s no surprise that the number of new offerings dropped last week, making 8 consecutive weeks of shrinking new inventory. What’s eye-popping is that 27 contracts over $4M were signed last week, with condos outselling co-ops by nearly 4:1. Even more surprising, the previous week from August 23-29 saw 23 luxury contracts inked with 5:1 condos to co-ops and 9 townhouses, the largest number of TH contracts since Donna Olshan began tracking this $4M+ market segment in 2006 and the strongest pre-Labor Day week since 2014. It was the sixth month in a row for record high contract activity.

August 2021

August 2021

August vacations may account for some of the market declines in inventory and contracts this month. With supply super scarce in outlying suburban markets, is it possible that Manhattan will mirror the shortages seen in Westchester, Connecticut and Long Island? As housing stock drifts lower each week this summer, the pressure is on for buyers who are competing for fewer properties.

December 2020

December 2020

We’re two weeks away from the start of a new year, and despite an accelerating pandemic and the closing of indoor restaurant dining, here are ten reasons to be optimistic about the New York real estate market of 2021.

November 2019

November 2019

Is it already November? Don’t wait for the 13th for World Kindness Day or for the 28th to express gratitude. Do remember to turn your clocks back on the 3rd when Daylight Savings ends, do get out and vote for your local officials on the 5th, and honor military veterans on the 11th. In case you didn’t know, November 24th is Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day, so pull out your harmonica or stand on your head and rejoice in YOU! Happy Thanksgiving!

September 2019

September 2019

Today is National Skyscraper Day, so look up to marvel at the more than 7,000 architectural feats of engineering in our city—structures with 40 floors or more. This month, Labor Day came early, and the Jewish High Holy Days will be late with Rosh Hashanah on the eve of September 29th. Coinciding with the Hebrew month of Elul, it’s an important season for self-reflection. Lord knows we have much to consider and improve upon and build in our lives and in our nation. Autumn, my favorite time of year, begins on the 23rd.

August 2019

August 2019

Those hazy hot and humid days of August are upon us in this third month of summer, the perfect time of year to hang your GONE FISHING sign and when most Europeans take their annual vacations. Celebrate Sisters’ Day on the month’s first Sunday, Lazy Day on the 10th, Middle Childs’ Day on the 12th, and Just Because Day on the 26th.

July 2019

July 2019

And just like that the 2nd half of 2019 begins with summer in full swing. Local zucchini is in abundance and corn and tomato season lie ahead. Throw some shrimp on the barbie and celebrate the 4th with gratitude. As of July 1, NY State’s new progressive mansion tax goes into effect. A one-time payment at closing, the levy begins at 1% for transactions from $1M-$2M and rises incrementally in eight tiers, capping at 3.9% for sales of $25M or more. It could have been worse.