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A Playbook For Buying And Selling At The Same Time

A Playbook For Buying And Selling At The Same Time

Are the challenges for homeowners who need to buy and sell at the same time any different in a fast seller’s market with limited inventory than in a slow buyer’s market with abundant supply? A strategic approach to a simultaneous closing of your current home and subsequent purchase is essential in any market.

Attention Must Be Paid to Co-op Boards!

Attention Must Be Paid to Co-op Boards!

Last August, I characterized 2016-2018 as “real estate’s great adjustment years” when four trends prevailed: rising inventory, slipping prices, more time on the market and multiple price reductions. We’re in for more of the same in 2019 as buyers and sellers come to terms with market changes and prices stabilize. In the current environment where uncertainty reigns, it behooves the real estate professional to be especially vigilant in the preparation of the all-important co-op board package and recognize the co-op’s obligation to protect the interests of shareholders as they evaluate a buyer’s qualifications and also seek to maintain property values.

Effective Selling Strategies In A Buyer's Market

Effective Selling Strategies In A Buyer's Market

Much has been made in the press of late of the shifting New York real estate market. Although buyer’s decidedly have the edge today, all is not lost for sellers. If you are in the fortuitous position of trading up to a larger property, while you may not do as well as you would hope for on the sale, you will more than likely make up for that deficiency on the buy. In this current climate, two important strategies can boost sales: pricing realistically and doing your best to convert that first offer into a sale.