Three years ago, several weeks into the start of 2013, I reflected on the Wall Street adage “As January goes, so goes the year.” At the time, impressive financial gains were scored with both the S&P 500 and the Dow which were up in the month of January 2013 by 5.05% and 5.77% respectively, signaling the best start to the year since 1987. In residential Manhattan real estate, January 2013 witnessed a jump of nearly 28% in signed contracts over January 2012 (2,888 vs. 2,265). Sofia Song, at the time StreetEasy’s Head of Research, called it “The Year of the Frustrated Buyer.” I termed it “The Year of the Smart Seller.”
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With the exception of well priced apartments under $2M which continue to attract multiple competitive bids and top sales dollars, price increases of Manhattan homes have abated. Sellers have relinquished their upper hand as buyers find more balanced footing in a market that seems to be heading back slowly to equilibrium. Throughout this year, new development options have come to market steadily yielding more than two and a half times as many choices for buyers than in 2014: approximately 6,500 units in 100 new buildings compared to roughly 2,500 units in 59 buildings last year. At the ultra high end, sales are stalled. In 2015, Manhattan’s residential real estate market shifted in more ways than one.
The allure of a penthouse or for that matter any apartment with a setback terrace is irresistible. A precious and highly coveted commodity, terrace ownership connotes a certain quality of life with bragging rights. To the urban dweller, outdoor space offers oases of air, light, sky and ultimately status. Outdoor space sells at a premium in New York City, and for the purchaser, caveat emptor reigns supreme. It’s critical for a buyer to understand the governing Proprietary Lease and House Rules which will vary from building to building and also to consult with an attorney regarding local ordinances and building codes as they relate to what can and cannot be done, placed or built on a terrace.